
Cleanliness Practices for Your Commercial Building

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Frequent cleaning of your commercial building helps cut down on the spread of illness, both to your staff and your clients. The best cleanliness practices will include a combination of professional cleaning and staff maintenance. The following can help you put in place the proper protocols. Keep Supplies Available The biggest reason that surfaces aren’t properly maintained is a lack of readily available commercial building cleaning supplies. You can counteract this by keeping the proper supplies well stocked and out in the open.…

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Looking For A Fireplace? Go With Gas

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A fireplace can be such a lovely, relaxing addition to your home. There are thousands of different styles and options out there, but when it comes down to it, they all fall into two camps: gas and wood. While wood-burning fireplaces are the most conventional, gas is really taking the fireplace world by storm. Here are some advantages you can enjoy when you choose a gas fireplace over the wood options.…

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Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Mower Running Right

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A well-manicured lawn can add prestige and value to your home by creating an attractive exterior. Few tools play as prominent a role in helping you maintain your lawn as does the lawn mower. In order to ensure you have access to a functional lawn mower in the future, it’s essential that you take the time to properly care for your mower. Here are some simple maintenance tips you can use to keep your mower running right.…

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3 Tips For Purchasing Patio Furniture

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Having comfortable furniture can help you make your patio more usable in the future. Selecting the right furniture for your outdoor living space can feel like a daunting task, but with a few simple tips you can ensure that the items you purchase will enhance the quality of the time you spend outdoors. Here are three tips to keep in mind as you shop for outdoor furniture in the near future.…

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Cats and Blinds: 3 Tips for Harmonious Living

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Cats are naturally inquisitive and mischievous. Both of these traits make it very difficult for cats and blinds to coexist peacefully. Hangings and entanglements are common, as are broken slats and frayed drapes. If you’re dealing with this issue, you’re no doubt beyond frustrated. You love your cat, obviously, but you also want to have nice things. Fortunately, it is possible to have a cat and beautiful window blinds in the same house.…

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Common Questions About Water Softening Systems Answered

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Water softeners can be valuable additions to plumbing systems, but it is a reality that many homeowners are not very informed or experienced with these devices. In order to help you be better informed when determining whether to commit to this upgrade, you may need to learn the answers to a few common questions and concerns about water softeners. Is It Worth The Expense To Install A Water Softening System?…

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2 Important Maintenance Tips For Your Standby Generator

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A power outage can greatly affect your quality of life and bring your daily activities to a halt. Having a standby generator is an easy way to ensure that you stay powered up when the power goes out. However, standby generators often stay for long periods without being used, which can lead to a host of problems. To ensure that your generator will be in good working order when you need it next time, follow the steps below.…

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FAQs About A Lawn Sprinkler System

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Does your lawn look unhealthy because you never have enough time to water it? If you are ready to bring your lawn back to a satisfactory condition, you might want to consider making an investment in a sprinkler system. A sprinkler system actually comes with a few benefits over manually watering a lawn. This article will answer a few of the questions that you might have in mind about a sprinkler system before getting one installed.…

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Safely Using Decorative Hanging Lanterns Around Pets

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Decorative hanging lanterns are an elegant way to illuminate a space. They can be a dangerous piece of décor, however, if you have cats and dogs. Pets aren’t always careful when navigating a space—especially kittens and puppies—and may accidentally hurt themselves or cause an unfortunate accident when they come into contact with the lanterns. Here are two tips for using decorative hanging lanterns around pets. Avoid Using Candle-Based Lanterns  Although candles emit a beautiful romantic glow, it’s probably best to avoid using them around pets that are prone to getting into things.…

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Easy-To-Clean Bathroom Design

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The number of hours you spend in your bathroom every month would probably surprise you. Because this room is so central to your life, you want it to be attractive and conveniently laid out, but your bathroom should be more than those things. When you remodel, you should also consider designing your bathroom to be easy to clean, a step that can greatly simplify your life. No Grout One of the best expert tips is to do away with grout in your bathroom.…

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